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Food, Medical Fund

Todate: Medical expenses for veterinary services can be crippling, when an emergency occurs. Food and litter are daily necessities.


The Starkitty Sanctuary has a long history with a particular veterinarian in Pa, and a countryside vet in NJ. The travel to get the Pa. office is 1.5 hours. However, the generosity of this veterinarian has enabled the Starkittys to heal and maintain a level of health despite the poor physical conditions many of them arrived in. This veterinarian has successfully adopted out several of the Starkitty's via her practice over the years and has been a saving grace to the project.


JAN 2018 Update: Bosco has had all but one tooth removed and three successive re-growing tumors taken out of his ear.  He is doing well, however his compromised immune system is a difficult one to treat at his age. He suffers from stomatitis and constant ear wax overgrowth. It cost over $450.00 for his repeated surgeries.  Pharaoh, an ORIGINAL STARKITTY was diagnosed with a thyroid condition which ultimately took his life in April. In October of 2017, Newt suffered internal injuries from a very rare freak high leap fall, when he missed his footing on a banister. Six emergency vet visits and $1,700.00 of diagnostic testing later, I was forced to put my beloved ORIGINAL STARKITTY down. Several other Starkittys are due for their maintenance checkups. There's is literally not enough funds in the '$ kitty' EVER, to cover necessary medical expenses, especially emergencies when they arise. Like older human beings who require additional medical care, aging cats often begin to develop expensive conditions in their latter years. Anything you can give helps!

JULY 2018 UPDATE: My cancer moved to the lungs approximately 6 months ago and measures are being taken to stabilize my health. Obviously, medical costs for me have weighed in heavily. Learn more.

Help with the
Med Expenses

Fees can be donated via PayPal buttons below, or contact us direct where fees can be paid directly to the veterinarian as prepayments for any future work that may be done.


Please call 888.842.1112  for more information.

Or send an email inquiry.


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$250.00 General


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$500.00 Starkitty
Medical Fund

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