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Psy Nutrition

Cats and Renal Failure

Channeled information from the felines: Most cat food is JUNK FOOD.  Humans make junk food for themselves. Humans make junk food for pets. This epidemic of non-nutritional eating is rampant and global. Humans need to understand that our natural abilities to process food is still dependent on the 'bio-chemical and energetic connection' we have to our whole environment. What this means is that when we eat 'human created' foods that have separated from their essential natural and life-force components, combined with chemical preservatives and then stored in cans or bags, we are immediately cut off from the many 'living' resources our bodies need to keep us biologically strong.

Humans don't know this because they can't feel it themselves, but WE FEEL the energies of the local environment. This extends beyond the houses you keep us in. We pick up the vibrations of everything....your furniture, agents in your cleaning products, your relational behavior with other humans and even the weather! When you cut your kitties off from the natural bio-resonant and vibrational qualities of our natural organic heritage, by feeding us non nutritious dead and dry foods, you help to allow disease to begin forming in our bodies.

Understand The Feline Digestive Process

Cats in the wild derive all moisture and nutrients from the wild creatures and plants that are eaten. These 'living' properties carry a high vibrational signature, which is translated into our bodies via ingestion. Our digestion systems are designed to absorb 95% of nutrition from all that is ingested. All foods we eat contains moisture, so we do not drink alot of water in the wild. We eat only what we need to sustain our bodies.


We rely on our instincts to guide us what to ingest. Trust in ourselves keeps us in a state of energetic union with all that exists, which keeps us strong. Human created foods contain no organic or 'live foods'. Our physical systems must completely adjust to the rigor of human processed muck. Over the years, the organs that are designed to eliminate toxic compounds, simply give out. We develop diseases, mainly from lack of nutrition.

The Dangers of Processed, Dry Foods

Dry crackers and kibbles are extremely caustic and serve as irritants to the feline digestion process. The nutritional value of such products is almost nil. Think about what kind of toll it takes for a living, bio-energetic being to exist and maintain itself on non-nutritional crud. Not only must our bodies process the junk through our systems and then try to derive any nutrition from it, we are also forced to overwork our organs so that we may cleanse our cells and organs of the toxins we have just ingested. We sleep in order to do this work.


The first thing that suffers is our digestion system, which includes the liver and kidneys. This is because we must drink much water in order to move the products through our systems. Our organs are not designed to process lots of water, for in the wild, most of what we eat is moist already. So for most of a kitty's lifetime, from the time it is a kitten, it is forced to digest toxic foodstuffs with no nutritional value and it must constantly work to heal itself of the damage done from caustic agents moving through it's body.


Bad Food & Bad Kitty Behavior

The constant physical stress on the organs can cause all kinds of kitty personality problems. Is your kitty neurotic? Does your kitty misbehave? Does your kitty exhibit strange behavior including eating plastic, rubber bands or cotton balls? Does your kitty seem lethargic? Does your kitty have attitude? Many, many personality issues emerge in feline behavior which is attributed to the foods you give us to digest.
Do YOU sometimes feel neurotic? Do YOU act out sometimes? Do YOU feel rage, anger, sorrow or other 'negative' emotions often? We felines would like you to consider not only what you feed us, but what you feed yourselves. We are in your lives not only to love and honor you - we are here to mirror to you what parts of you remain stuck in 'separatist thinking and behaving'. And we are energetically connected to you. When you feel bad, it affects us instantaneously.

Dry foods are a product of human thoughtlessness and concern for human convenience. How? Dry foods can be left out for hours and even days because of the chemical derivatives embedded in the foods to preserve them. Dry food stinks less so your home will not take on pet smells. Dry food is lighter and easier to carry than canned wet foods. There is not much human awareness put into the creation of the dry products because human consciousness has not yet opened the doors to understanding its direct bio-energetic connection to all species that exist.

How Good Are Wet Canned Foods?

Although canned food contains more moisture which makes it easier to digest and process, many of your canned products are still missing major nutritional aspects. Chemicals are still used to preserve the concoctions. And even with the more organic and natural created products, common sense tells all that the best foods available to your pets will always be direct from Earth and will be all natural. We felines understand that humans must create their own balance in their minds as to how a pet will fit into that life and how much energy each human owner will put into nutritionally maintaining such.

Presently, there are some small companies that make 'organic and more nutritious' canned food, which is carefully monitored and made in small batches only. These smaller companies have been started by many pet owners who became disgusted with what was offered to them by their local supermarkets.


Though distribution is sometimes difficult for many of these upcoming companies, it is worth it to contact them direct to see just how you can order and receive these carefully made 'new stews' for cats. There are also new frozen raw food diets being made. These products carry more nutritional value. As humans become more conscious about what they are allowing themselves to eat, so too will the diets of their pets begin to become more healthy. There is indeed a BIG connection between what you habitually feed your cats for years and the diseases that develop 'early on' in your kitties lives.

New Thoughts on Cat Allergies

Over 90% of the human population is feeding itself with dead junk foods that have absolutely no nutritional value. This has to do with overall human consciousness. In the human world, minerals are stripped from the plant shaft called wheat to create 'white' bread in which case the human body must then steal minerals from it's own body to ingest the white product.

As each human being begins to return to the natural heritage of their 'organic roots', products will then be made with more care. Each one of you individual human beings partake in separatist notions, therefore how you conduct yourselves at home and how you care for your pets will always reflect back to you what is lacking or now missing in your overall knowledge of 'life itself'.

This preoccupation with separatist ideas 'physically manifests' as the products you create and sell to one another. Humanity has become so dependant upon it's own advice, that it's end product creations reflect the missing information. We felines then digest your end products and consequently - mirror back to you your missing information in the manner of 'symptoms' such as renal failure, tumors and UTI's....and the BIG one....CAT ALLERGIES.

Cat allergies DO NOT originate from our bodies. Allergies are the symptom of the dead crud foods you feed us. The food's toxins are eliminated through our breath and saliva. The toxic chemicals within our saliva are distributed to our fur when we clean ourselves and hence, you humans have allergic reactions to the toxins you have fed us, that reside on our fur. Cat allergies are our way of telling YOU how disconnected you are from your thinking and behaving. When humans clear up their diets and the diets of their pets, cat allergies will greatly subside, as the toxin levels will diminish.

Here are some very simple and basic ideas that you can take into your lives that will enable you to understand more about your kitty's body and ultimately, one day you may begin to make the connection between how you too are connected to 'whole' foods as opposed to human tinkered foods that have been stripped of necessary biological properties of life.

Holistic Remedies


Part of the holistic / organic movement is a reflection of humanity's willingness to embrace the energetic-esoteric aspect of living reality. But at present, there is a divide between that which is old mind and that which is pioneering for more evolved methods of creation.

We wish to make it clear to you that though we choose to sacrifice certain aspects of our bodies in order to teach you and re-unite you with the 'entire bio-energetic world' that belongs to you, we undersand that awakening human consciousness is a very slow process. We are not here to make you feel bad for not knowing better or for listening to other humans rather than your own personal instincts. We are here to encourage you to move more toward that which brings more life force, joy and abundance into your lives. One way to do this is to begin to examine the foods you take into your own bodies and the foods you feed your pets. When any species, or any physically embodied being-ness digests foods from it's natural supporting planet, to which it is intrinsically connected, whole health is the result.

The Debate on Serving Raw Foods

Humans love to debate and prove one another wrong when it comes to determining what are the right and correct methods for living. The truth is that there is no one or perfect way. There are all kinds of variations in the life-styles of humans, that make decisions that pet owners make for their pets - either good decisions or bad ones. That being said, if all the kitties in the world were queried on what they'd like to eat, most would likely reply that they simply want to eat as naturally and healthily as possible.


Most cats are contained to indoor living situations, which is part of the spiritual agreements we make to help guide you. Eating more naturally or closer to a raw diet is the best way to help us keep our bodies strong, while helping us to help you keep your bodies strong as well. Everything is connected. If we are eating nutritional foods and staying energetically strong - and you are eating nutritional foods as well, then the 'family unit' stays strong and less suseptible to diseases of all kinds.


However, if a raw food diet is not feasible to the living situation, for whatever the reason, we then prefer to eat carefully prepared canned wet foods. Please keep in mind that the main reason most kitties won't switch from dry food to wet food immediately is that like you, we have become addicted to the sugars added to the dry foods. Humans feed us dry foods for the longest time, then suddenly decide they will give us wet food - to try to improve our diets. So they open a can and put it down for us to eat and expect us to readily give up our addiction to the sugary kibbles we have become dependant upon. How many of you give up foods you have come to love or habits like your cigarettes and candy and alcohol, cold turkey and are truly successful?


Why would you give us one day to suddenly 'cold turkey' our eating habits - simply because you decided we should, like robots, immediately concur with your desires - especially when you never told us in the first place that you were changing the diet? Suddenly we see a plate of wet food and if we have never been fed it before - we don't even know what it is! Please consider us  just as you would consider changing your own habits. Give us time to change. Talk to us and tell us what you are doing and why and we will cooperate with your desires - when our own feelings have been considered.

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