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The Starkitty Sanctuary

Over the years, The Starkitty Sanctuary has temporarily adopted in, healed, and re-homed over 60 abandoned feline pets in the last decade. Please help by supporting the project's mission and the remaining felines, some of whom are 'special needs' kitties. Your support is needed & appreciated!

Past Visitors & Participants

The Sanctuary Today


The Starkitty Sanctuary remains a private entity and functions strictly as a safety house for those recuperating from the trauma of abandonment. Domesticated felines, once abandoned to the streets do not fare well.  What might have once been a friendly, fluffy little kitty, once left to fend on its own, has become non-trusting of humans. Now floundering in a territory of fighting feral cats, roaming dogs, raccoons, possums, cars, and strange noises like jackhammers and lawnmowers, these additional factors simply increases heightened feline anxiety.


No place outside seems safe for the domesticated ones. They live in constant fear and are not 'street smart' when it comes to cars. In the winters, they often starve or freeze to death, as they are too afraid to approach humans for help. Some have been physically kicked or verbally abused by their prior caretakers and most, besides being constantly hungry, suffer from sadness and depression. Yes, animals feel sadness, fear and loss.

Changes at Hand...


As each feline arrived, one by one, these precious beings told their stories of heartache, loss, trauma, and disease. Each story was a compelling reflection of disturbing human behavior. If humans are constantly distracted, agitated, flustered and angry - how does that affect the pets who live with them? What happens to all the kitties that have been left behind, or worse, just suddenly dumped? Currently the Sanctuary houses only abandoned adult felines and is not taking on any newcomers.



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