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The Humble Scribe

The Starkitty Project began as an experiment in telepathically receiving and transcribing wisdom from the animal kingdom starting in 1992. Initially, this was a personal and unofficial journey of mine to understand more about the depth of consciousness in Earth's other species. This endeavor spontaneously arose from prior meta-educative research that included a decade's worth of personal study and experimentation in the fields of Psy-gifting, Metaphysics and Cosmology.


Though the journey has been a fascinating and life altering one, it has not been an easy path to walk. Visionary ideas, especially in the psychic arena, tend to be initially misunderstood and generally misconstrued, once publicly disseminated. Additionally, much of the information brought forth directly challenges standardized 'human thought' regarding not only the animal kingdom, but life itself.


Telepathic-culled information is way ahead of the current times and yet, is a reflection of human times of ancient past, where all conscious forms once had an innate understanding of 'oneness' and 'connectivity'.


My human perception pales in comparison to the vivid and colorful vision of life that the animal kingdom has presented to me through these years. Yet only a very small handful of other pioneer researchers from across the world continue to endeavor in this area of research, alongside of me.


I do my part to uphold the dreams of the animal kingdom in the human world, whether or not it makes a dent in the mass human perception of reality. We simply are who we are and the project is what it is.

The Healing Haven and Starkitty Sanctuary

I never dreamed that by establishing an animal communication research project that suddenly, the injured and sick would stream to my property in droves. At the time, I hadn't yet developed full comprehension of the connection between our invisible thoughts or intentions, and physical manifestations. Nor had I fully grasped that our invisible and personal thoughts can be heard and interpreted by other species, especially those within close range.


This flocking of animals included abandoned canines and felines, raccoons, deer, possums, squirrels, rabbits, mice, insects and several species of birds. Four feline birthing's occurred on my lawn following the initial launch of the Starkitty website. The majority of furry and feathered visitors were starving, sick, injured, dying or pregnant. They each had something to say about their conditions and their choices to be here on planet Earth. This included their dreams and emotions, which had been broken by actions of prior human caretakers. I was completely caught off guard by the phenomenon and subsequently, physically and financially overwhelmed. The Starkitty Sanctuary evolved out of necessity to manage the onslaught of the injured and weak.

Ongoing Research


Despite the enormous challenges associated with the healing haven aspect of the project, in the following years the research and communications evolved to include animals from across the globe, including; elephant, dolphin, sea turtle, manta, wolf, lion, tiger, jaguar and cheetah species, as well as crystal species and non-physical beings who have had a long-time interest and involvement in humanity's evolution. An astounding connection between many living forms of consciousness has been explored via this research project. The education ushered forth via the animals and the non-physical beings include the exploration of our metaphysical journey as a human species, our bio-energetic to physical DNA structure, cosmological principles, and the manifestation of consciousness to form - via light and sound.  The fascinating journey of this telepathic communication project has shifted my awareness of animal contributions to the planet irrevocably and more profoundly, on an emotional level. This unique series of 'Psy Data Retrieval' communications with the animals over several decades, has revealed to me the enormous depth and clarity of animal consciousness. More than 20 years later, the now globalized project continues in its exploration and endeavors to integrate animal consciousness into the veterinary and science field, as well as serve as an educational platform for those who seek further understandings of basic metaphysical information.


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