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Channeling the Wisdom of... Earth's Other Species

EXCERPT - 1992 - The Seeds of Awareness

‘My, what a wonderful job your kitties are doing’, exclaimed the invisible ones. My friends and I looked at one another for a confused moment as we were temporarily startled out of our focused train of thought. We were gathered that night, comfortably sprawled about my living room, to query non-physical beings via a channeler friend of mine who had the rare gift of audibly hearing voices from another frequency and time. None of us were new to this. Each of us had already acquired a broad understanding of what 'channeling' was, as it was commonly called in those days. I had spent a prior decade in private investigative study of psychic phenomena, seeking to further understand certain gifting I had discovered in childhood. With no adults around to help me reference my experiences, by the time I was 18, I was already on a quest to 'learn the truth' of our existence - if there was one. I just HAD to know.

Keith himself, (the channeler) had many unusual gifts and was not limited to hearing merely personal soul guides. His talents ranged from intuiting multi-dimensional beings that hailed from far star systems, to hearing local Earth bound guides and essences, to translating messages for angelic beings of the faerie and devic realms. Depending on our line of questioning, the entities most apt to answer that night’s ‘themed subject matter’ would invisibly arrive and offer information.

I was thrilled beyond belief to be participant in these sessions. All of us within the group were. Each of us innately knew that we had tapped into a part of our reality that most other humans had not yet become aware of or were not yet concerned with. To us, each session was a thrilling dive into unknown territory. We never knew where the conversations would lead or what we would learn or just who would come through. Saturated in our linear minded and rather ignorant humanness - it never dawned on us that the cats were and always had been part of the group.

By the time I had met Keith, I was already quite involved in experiential channeling and metaphysical research. My instinctive studies formalized in 1989, when I was forced through circumstances to leave behind a NYC career pursuit that I’d had high hopes for. As I struggled to find meaning in a now much quieter suburban life, metaphysical research was a personal hobby that took hold and became an ever increasing fascination for me. By the time Keith and I hooked up, I’d already experienced channeling with various other groups, enough so that my own somewhat dulled psychic sensing was triggering off through my internal sense organs. This was nothing new to me, as I'd been psychic as a child, but it is common that when one reaches early adulthood, much of the abilities are forgotten or naturally pushed away. In wanting to get a better 'scientific' grasp of what it was I had experienced as a child, as I moved into adulthood, I was vigilant in my searching for answers. I was also seeking ways to heal though very difficult life circumstances I was initially beset with and emotionally injured by. I innately knew the two subjects were tied together somehow but I could not figure out - the linking key.

‘Charles and Gang’, an affectionate term I’d coined for a special group of entities we came to know, were a regular contact of Keith’s. On this very night, they happened to be ‘onstage’. Charles was by his description, a soul who took form as an elderly English gentleman approximately 200 years in our past. He was very much alive back then, he stated, and he explained that he often slept so much that his elderly colleagues and cohorts would tease him often. Little did they know that while they thought he was sleeping, he was consciously astral traveling through the etheric realms, tapping purposefully into future points in Earth’s history  and joining up with a soul grouping of non-physical entities for additional learning’s. One of Charles gifts was to help us to better understand our greater reality and aspects of ‘simultaneous time’ through conversations.  

His vibrational-ethereal connection to Keith's physical body enabled Charles a landing place of sorts, so that he could deliver a vast array of information from the etheric realms. He simply energetically settled into Keith’s very own modern day physical human form so that he could utilize Keith’s body to communicate vocally with everyone.  Being human himself, albeit from another time zone, Charles had great understanding of the human conditions, the human state of affairs on planet Earth and the human emotional configurations that were playing out in their various patterned dances. His ability to de-tangle many of our personal issues was uncanny. Always, when he and his entity group departed for the night, we all felt uplifted and refreshed for days on end. We laughed a lot in session. His group held a very uplifting and light-filled vibration.

‘Just what are the cat’s doing?’ I asked. ‘They are guarding your door and energetically protecting you all so that your translator friend (Keith) may be clearer in his processing and delivery of information’, Charles exclaimed. I glanced over at the open porch door where Pal and Sweet Pea sat. Though both cats were bed buddies of mine, they were known to become completely invisible themselves when company came over. I had never really noticed before, but consistently, when the channeling party came over for sessions, sooner or later the invisible cats would quietly amble down and sit with us from a guarded distance.

It was from that point on that something inside of me clicked ‘on’. Slowly over a period of months, my focus on human evolution subtly shifted over to research regarding animal consciousness, animal origin and the development of consciousness into animal forms on planet Earth. Who were all the other species? How did they fit into this living reality? Where did THEY all come from? If humans with all of their intelligence could not figure out where they had come from - who was even looking at an animal's perspective? In the following years of metaphysical study and travel, I met many psychic-gifted human individuals and held immeasurable conversations with ‘beings’ of all dimensions, realms and star systems. All of these succeeding encounters have added interesting tidbits of information to my private research journey, so to speak. It has been a fascinating path of exploration.

In those early days of our channelings, we were babies to concepts of vibrational energy, DNA and the human aura system. No adult influence that I or any of my associates knew had ever taught us how we were made of intelligent energy or how that energy actually formed our physical organs. Not one solitary adult human being in all my childhood years ever explained to me the purpose of my soul, or that my physical body had an innate ability to direct energy thru it in order to be able to physically manifest what I wanted in life. Not a single one of my teachers in life taught me about the energetic connectedness we have to all that exists. No one spoke seriously of psychic gifting...or how significant a part of our living reality it truly was. No one that I could find to study with was melding science research with psychic phenomenon at the time that I wanted to study it. Why not?

Sitting cross-legged amongst like-minded friends in my living room, while secretly pursuing a ‘hush-hush – don’t discuss’ hobby as a young adult, is where I learned the very ‘basic properties of Universal life’ that every single human being should be formally taught in youth. Today, 90% of the human population has no idea what they are vibrationally made of or what their greater soul purpose in this world really is. The vast majority of co-creating human souls have no idea how they are physically, energetically and spirit-ually connected to their environment. And yet each of us acts out, speaks out and creates all kinds of physical manifestations that continue to serve as barriers to ‘seeing the light’ of who we more truly are.

The so-called Great Mystery is merely mystery because much of the information regarding who we are has been omitted from standard societal teaching institutions. But the information exists and anyone who wants to, can find it and access it if they are brave enough to allow their perceptions and their everyday lives to shift along with the growth that comes with the gaining of knowledge. Our evolution occurs whether we pay attention to it or not. There are now brigades of psychically sensitive children arriving on the planet during these times. They will be the ones who finally shift humanity back on balanced track with its spiritual / galactic heritage. They are coming to the planet with already fully developed psychic senses. In the meantime, there are now scores of written works from a variety of sources that hail from all over the globe, both scientific and metaphysical. The information is available for whoever desires to seek it out....and yet, for those who do seek - quite often they find themselves alone in their quest, or dead-ended from not being able to find enough 'depth' of information. How strange...that so much of this information should be so hard to access - when it is the very fabric of which we are all made!


Next - Channeling Mr Sunshine

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