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The Starkitty Project - A Gift for Humanity

In 1992 telepathic communication with two feline strays sparked a private inter-species 'Psy Data Retrieval' TM research project. By 2004, the work had expanded to include other participating species, psychics and meta-humanitarian researchers from across the globe.

Combining animal and human consciousness, the project helps to expand and redefine humanity's perception of life; connecting consciousness, light, sound, meta-physical research, cosmology, and the organic healing properties of Earth in order to heal separative thought patterns, abuse of animals, and disease in both humans and animals.

Sweet Pea - Founding Feline

Ordinary Roots to Extraordinary Journey

From a humble and unplanned beginning to the current metaphysical research work that carries forward today, The Starkitty Project took actual physical hold in 2002, following the arrival of an abandoned and pregnant white Turkish angora starlet. Read about the beginning days.


From 2004 to 2012, as more information came forward from the participating felines, some of their telepathic communications were published online. Since the project organically grew from its infancy and there was no pre-planned outcome for what was naturally unfolding, parts of the 'channeled' info was openly and freely shared on the original Starkitty website. In the first year of the original site's launch, the website drew nearly a million hits. A decision to formally publish their works-in-full was then made.

Pal - Founding Feline

Documenting Their Works

What began as occasional animal communication check-ins for feline health queries quickly evolved to become a telepathic inter-species research project as galactic information regarding human and planetary evolution began to come forth from the felines.

The information coming forth from the original founding felines would bust apart every current and scientifically explored notion of humanity's evolvement. Their perceptions on human life and it's connection to 'all that exists' far exceeds what we typically think of as 'animal intelligence'. 


The data collected from the beginning of the project in 1992 up to current times is now being transcribed into a soon-to-be published works.  Today the investigative research work continues as a private project. However, forthcoming information will periodically be made freely available on this website.

View The Founding Felines

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