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Starkitty Safety & House Tips


Chuck the Rugs

One good sweep and all the hair is gone! Bare wood floors have been known to enhance home values, and old wall to wall carpeting harbors lots of toxins, close to where kitty's breathe. Chucking the rugs will help to remove built up household dirt and cleaning chemicals that may be harmful to your children and pets. Easily sweep and mop up any hairballs or kitty mess off your wood floors in minutes.


Windows Rule

The inside of window ledges fit kitty bodies just perfectly. Roll a towel, tuck it into the sill and you've an instant kitty bed that is  easily washable. A window view helps keep a kitty mind occupied for hours, enabling your furniture a reprieve from from diggy-dig action. Be sure screens are tight (with no holes) & windows are adjusted to kitty resting height (to prevent dug up screens). Cut window sill cords to prevent strangling.


High & Soft Sooths

Got a nervous cat? Give him a special area high up that only he can reach, and pad it with a soft blanket or pillow. Kitties crave the soft embrace of blankets and towels because it reminds them of their Mama's soft nurturing body from kitten-hood days. Towels tend to harbor ratty loops and catch kitty claws but micro-plush baby blankets last forever and clean well in the washer. Soft and high goes a long way to sooth a rattled or nervous cat.


Wardrobe Safety Rules

Some cats don't mind the t-shirts, neck baubles, scarves and hats. But kitty safety always comes first! If you must play kitty dress up, NEVER, EVER leave your cat unattended while still in garb. Reserve the outfits for special occasions which will help to remind you that wardrobe is temporary entertainment. Make sure you never force an unwilling kitty to dress up. Tip: train your pet to car rides, leashes, strollers and outfits while still in kitten-hood.


Get a Pet Stroller

Some kitties are trainable by leash but they don't heed as well as dogs and when they spook, they can get severely tangled or break out of their leashes. A well constructed (zipper only) kitty stroller is a much better way to walk the cat, get exercise and introduce your pet to the great outdoors, if leash safety is a concern or if you can't afford a kennel. Get a stroller with side pockets and bottom storage space for collars, water and a first aid kit.


Kitty Runs Rock

An enclosed, covered wire kennel lets your pets experience the outdoors safely. They get fresh air, and can run, play and sleep to their hearts content. Hang kitty beds, a water trough, put a mini shelter inside with a sand box and your furry friends can enjoy life's bounty for hours. Some wire kennels can be configured in multiple ways. For added safety, build one against a fence or house wall and install a kitty door. Invite friends over for kitty kennel parties.

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